Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thesis abstract in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA)

The peer review panel (Yiannis Colakides, Andrea Polli, Tom Lessor, Christo Doherty and Sheila Pinkel) has reviewed abstracts submitted for Leonardo Abstracts Service Database. „New Media Art in Central and Eastern Europe in the 2000s” was one of the top ranked by the peer reviewers this year. Thanks to it you can find its publication in the Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), Leonardo's e-journal:

Established in 1993, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, a peer reviewed journal, is the electronic arm of the pioneer art journal, Leonardo - Journal of Art, Science & Technology. LEA Editorial Board is composed of internationally recognized academics who are experts in their respective fields.
The focus of LABS and Leonardo is the interaction of art and science and of art and new technologies, by artists, researchers and scholars who in some way investigate philosophical, historical and/or critical applications of science or technology to the arts.